COVID-19 has hit another Championship within the UK with the AMCA backed British Womens Motocross Association Championship being cancelled for the 2020 season however the organisers are hoping to run a 3 to 4 round open championship later this year. Read more about the cancellation and more below.
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It is with a heavy heart and great deal of sadness that due to the continued uncertainty over Covid-19 and restrictions on rider numbers, travelling and potential of further restrictions we feel that it would be impossible to run a worthwhile Championship this year, so in line with the latest AMCA guidance we have decided that it is in the best interests for the integrity of the championship to cancel this years series.
We have spoken to our sponsors Westermans International and they are happy to transfer their support from this year to 2021 ensuring that we have the security of continuing with a fully supported 8 round series in 2021 and look forward to making that an incredibly exciting and fulfilling championship for all.
Registration and club fees
All registrations and club fees for 2020 will be transferred to 2021 as the default position.
Any rider wishing to take a refund instead will be subject to an admin fee of £15. (we are a small organisation with monthly and end of year costs which have to be met without income this year).
Any race entries made can be carried over to next year or refunded in full without penalty.
The GB team for 2021 will be the same riders who qualified from 2019 season.
2020 BWMA Westermans WMX Open Challenge Series
It is our intention to use the final 3-4 rounds we have scheduled as an open Womens Challenge series. This will be open to all Female riders in the UK registered and not registered again providing the rules and regulations allow.
By doing this it doesn’t harm the integrity of the full British Championship but gives us the flexibility to change in accordance with the changing situation and rules that go with it.
Registered riders will be able to enter at reduced rate compared to non registered riders, the surplus entry fee will be put into a prize fund for the riders to race for. The more rounds the higher the fund.
All of this depends on the changing circumstances the Covid-19 situation brings.
It is hoped we can do this for both Youth and Adult.
More details nearer the time when guidance and rules become clearer