RHL Activities is pleased to announce that Fox will be sponsoring two motos at the third stop of the 2019 Judd KTM British Youth Championship at Fatcat Moto Parc for the rider with the fastest lap time.
The Fox brand is the most recognized and best-selling brand of motocross apparel in the world today. Fox built its business by developing clothing for high intensity, physically demanding motorsport of motocross. Through sponsoring and working closely with the best riders in the history of the sport – riders such as Ricky Carmichael, James Stewart, Damon Bradshaw, Rick Johnson, Mark Barnett, Doug Henry, Jeremy McGrath and Steve Lamson, Fox has created the best motocross riding apparel in the world, which is able to withstand the elements and the torturous racing conditions that are a major part of motocross.They havebecome an international leader in the youth lifestyle clothing market with its famous Fox Head logo seen worldwide.
During the second moto on Saturday 6th July and first moto on Sunday 7th July, the rider in each class with the fastest lap time during the race will be awarded with the Fox fastest lap prize.
Saturday’s winners will be presented with their prizes at the podium after racing and the Sunday winners will be awarded during the trophy ceremony.
Gareth Hockey – Director of RHL Activities
“I am pleased to be welcoming Fox to the Judd KTM British Youth Motocross Championship at Fatcat Moto Parc next weekend. It is great to have the one of the biggest brand names in the motocross at the event and getting involved with the future riders of our sport within the United Kingdom.”
For more information on the Fox Fastest Lap and the third round of the Judd KTM British Youth Championship, head over to www.rhlactivities.com