Great news for British Motocross with the ACU announcing the return to racing from this weekend however still no indication on when any British Championship events will happen. Check out the official PR from the ACU below.
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The long-awaited return to ACU competition returns this coming weekend. Following the press release issued on 27th May (The Wheels are Starting to Turn), a responsible and steady return to two-wheel action has seen some Test Day, practice day and Training activity successfully and safely take place. Permits have been issued by the Sporting Secretaries across our disciplines to ‘get two wheeled sport’ going again and following a virtual meeting of the ACU Ltd Directors on the evening of 1st July, we can confirm the following;
Youth activity. After consultation with other governing bodies, youth competition can commence from 4th July. The ACU has monitored youth activity at practice events, which have all taken place in a safe and satisfactory manner.
Sidecar competition. With the UK Government Advice / Guidance relaxing social distancing measures from 4th July, it is considered safe for sidecar competition to commence across our disciplines. However, this is very much in the gift of the competitors themselves. If they feel comfortable being in close proximity of each other whilst competing, then that is a decision they can make, but equally if they do not feel comfortable putting themselves in this position, that decision lies with individual Sidecar teams. Some disciplines are not as quick as others and should Sidecar crews consider face coverings whilst competing, again that is a Sidecar team decision.

Two Day Events. Organisers may be aware that from 4th July, the UK Government have allowed for overnight camping / hotel accommodation / staying away from home. This would now suggest that two day events can take place. Organisers are reminded of the requirement for camper vans / tents to be suitably distanced and be aware of the following and existing advice / guidance issued by the UK Government;
‘You should only stay overnight in groups of up to two households (your support bubble counts as one household) and should ensure you maintain social distancing with anyone you do not live with or is not in your support bubble. Take particular care to maintain excellent hygiene – washing hands and surfaces – and avoid using shared facilities like bathrooms wherever possible.’
Off Road British Championships. At this current time, devolved governments have different restrictions on travel. Until there is freedom of movement allowed amongst the constituent parts of the UK, it is difficult to organise a British Championship event. The Board of Directors are closely monitoring this and will make a further announcement as soon as freedom of travel becomes clearer across the UK.
Devolved Governments. Organisers should also be aware that the guidance / advice outlined above follows the advice / guidance issued by the UK Government. Organisers based in Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey should follow the guidance issued by devolved governments.
ACU Chairman, Roy Humphrey commented, “We have recently passed the milestone of 100 days in lockdown and I think everyone is pleased to see restrictions being lifted by the UK Government from 4th July. It’s great to see ACU competition get underway along with many other sports and activities, but we all have to be mindful that Coronavirus still exists and make sure that we have control measures in place to keep everyone, competitors and officials, safe whilst they enjoy participating in our various sports. As long as everyone adheres to the guidance given, from the UK Government and the ACU, there shouldn’t be a problem, but everyone has to act responsibly and be mindful that Coronavirus has not gone away, it is still very active and it will spike, as we have seen recently in Leicester. So my message is; enjoy your sport but don’t lose sight of Coronavirus and the impact it could have if we do not follow Social Distancing measures and control measures that our Organisers have spent some considerable time putting in place’.
Photo Credit – MXGB