The team at Steel Hawk Motorcycle Club have been busy getting the 2020 Rock it ’til Sundown event sorted and for 2020 we see a change of venue and also a revised format of classes and racing. Read the full PR here….
With Chrimbo and a brand spanking new year on the horizon we are proud to announce the venue for our ‘Rock it til Sundown’ Midweek Motocross classic for 2020. For 2020 we will be heading into the depths of Wiltshire for our Midweek Moto fix on the Wednesday 5th August and the awesome purpose-built Cusses Gorse MX track, near Salisbury.
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Also for 2020, the event will also have a revised format for the evening racing and some fun new elements that will make it more interesting. We’re happy to announce that we’ll be adding an Auto class in 2020 and running separate small wheel and big wheel 85cc classes as we effectively make the daytime programme ‘youth only’. Then in the evening we’ll be running MX1, MX2 and Vet +40 classes with a combined MX1 and MX2 Superfinal at the end of the night for the big money and trophy.

We also very happy to also announce that we’ll be holding a ‘boot camp’ training day with a couple of pro riders the following day on Thursday 6th August. Not only on the MX track but we’ll be giving riders a chance to get some Supercross experience under the watchful eye of one of our pro riders. We like to tease a little bit and get people playing the guessing game, so we’ll be announcing who the pro riders will be in the new year. Along with pro riding training techniques, we’ll also be offering up fitness advice from a physical trainer along with mental preparation as well a media training and some other cool stuff, but again more on all that another time. We’ll be opening up entries and giving you all the entry details over the next couple of months.
Now is also a good time as any to announce that ‘Rock it til Sundown’ will not be our only event for 2020 and we have some exciting, new events planned. So, keep ‘em peeled on our social media you dirt bike freaks because we’ve got a busy 2020 planned and we would love you guys to come along and be part of the fun…..because at the end of the day, that’s what it should be! Life…taste it, don’t waste it!