Last weekend RHL Activities, the promoters of the official ACU British Youth Motocross Championship, and media partner MX VICE made British Motocross history by streaming live the second round of the Judd KTM British Youth Championship.
This was a monumental step forward in coverage for the British Youth Motocross series, as it was live across social media for people around the world to see – something that has not been done before in British Motocross.
The feedback has been really positive, as this gives the series a big opportunity to be seen by a much wider audience and by what may be future competitors in the World Championship. It also gives our riders the chance to be seen on the world stage and will in the future give them the experience of being in front of a camera, whilst also raising the series to the next professional level.
The Skelder Bank, Whitby round was a perfect introduction to the live streaming of the championship, and the viewing figures have been strong, despite little promotion before-hand. With this in mind and following a great test run of the technology, RHL Activities is pleased to announce that the third round of the Judd KTM British Youth Championship at FatCat Motoparc will also be live streamed. RHL and MX VICE are planning even wider coverage with rider interviews and much more.
James Burfield – 24MX and MXVice
“We have been sat on many ideas since 2014 that we were unable to implement, so to actually see a youth race live in the UK is fantastic. 24MX‘s support for youth and amateur riders has enabled us to be able to push forward with these ideas and our experience of being around MXGP has given us a clear focus to work towards.”
Gareth Hockey – Director of RHL Activities
“I was very keen when MX VICE and my team sat down and discussed having the Judd KTM British Youth Championship live earlier this year. Following our trial run live streaming at the weekend at Whitby, we would like to bring this technology and coverage to future rounds of the championship. I am really pleased on how well it was received by riders, parents, sponsors and the general public who couldn’t be at the event. It was a proud moment for RHL and MX VICE to be the first in British Motocross to live stream all of the races, and it’s great for our championship.”
You can catch up on all the footage on the RHL Activities and British Youth Championship Facebook Pages.