There maybe a chance of Supercross returning on May 15th however under very strict rules and regulations with social distancing and limited audience. KTM rider Cooper Webb has posted his thoughts on his Instagram account about it all.
Check it out below.
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As some of you know and have heard there’s an opportunity to go racing around May 15th. I’ve been asked my opinion and have been on the phone talking to multiple different people about it the last few weeks. As of April 17th it sounded like a go but as of yesterday it is becoming questionable because some teams and riders feel there isn’t enough time to get ready. I’m blessed to be on @ktmusa where we are always #readytorace but this had me thinking a bit. Feld is prepared to bring back employees, work with the riders an teams to have very limited amount of people at the venue and in the stadium, have multiple health care workers to check every single persons temperature and symptoms every time we come into stadium, as well as to be the first sport back to action while practicing social distancing with some adjustments to the racing and schedule with unfortunately no fans allowed at stadium. I know myself and almost every person in our industry has had some pay deduction or even extreme been laid off until we are back racing. I feel as professional supercross racers it’s our jobs to be ready to race and do our jobs whenever called upon. As of April 17th an possibly prior riders got told of the possibility of racing May 15 which made it fair to everyone to know that in 4 weeks we could be back racing. With bikes ready, SX settings we already have, the 26 weeks of sx we’ve already done this year (off-season preparation) with 3-4 days of riding each of those weeks ( appx 95-105 days of riding sx) I feel like we should do our SX/Mx community a favor and try to be ready to race. With that being said it gives us an opportunity to grow our sport, give people jobs back, and give all you fans a chance to see us race on TV while we do everything possible to stay safe, clean and do the proper testing to insure we don’t spread this virus.