Thirteen years ago we saw the FIM World Sidecarcross Championship on UK shores and now once again the FIM World Championship is back in 2023.
The Waterlooville Motorcycle Club have announced they will be hosting the eleventh round on July 29th & 30th at Cusses Gorse, UK.
Read the Official Announcement from the club below.
After a 13 year break we are pleased to announce that the club will be hosting the British round of the World Sidecar Motocross Championship in 2023.
Following lengthy discussions with the series promoters WSC and with the help our event partners, we are proud to be able to confirm we will be hosting the event at Cusses Gorse on July 29/30th.
Thanks to Justin Barclay we have a plan in place for the track & infrastructure for an event of this magnitude.
Many hours have gone in to getting the event off the ground but the real work starts now. We have a small enthusiastic team but we are going to need the help & support from the MX community at large.
To keep you up to date on all that’s going on, keep your eyes peeled on this page & across social media.