Forestry England will allow the resumption of Motorsport events from 30th September 2021 as long as they meet the Covid 19 requirements in existence at that time. This is particularly disappointing as they had previously indicated that they would accept applications from Easter.
They have explained that they are committed to accommodate the huge demand for events and activities that has built up because of the pandemic and their staff are ‘flat out’ dealing with the demand from the general public at each stage of the Government roadmap along with the expected increased demand as more people take holidays at home because of the continuing restrictions on foreign travel. As a result, there is also the possibly that local staff may defer events due to capacity rather than just Covid-19.
The ACU is awaiting a timetable from them for negotiation of a new national agreement, but until then they have applied a 5% increase on the fees charged in 2020. Also, we are seeking clarification that Organisers can submit applications for authorisation before 30th September to meet the usual timescale required.
ACU Trials and Enduro Committee Chairman Mick Wren has commented on dates in these uncertain times. He said: “Compiling the annual events calendar is one of the most time consuming and frustrating tasks we do throughout the whole year. We are now faced with a situation where we are having to rearrange what we already had into half, or less, of the time it was originally intended.
“On an almost daily basis we are receiving information of events cancelled or organisers seeking an alternative date and we are doing everything we can to accommodate them.
“For many years we have held the belief that once a championship series has been declared then those dates will not be altered to enable riders to commit to the series and plan their year. This has now been removed to create a fluid, flexible and “can do” approach to moving forwards and making events happen, all we ask is that all involved do the same.
“It should be obvious that publishing new calendars on a weekly basis is a pointless exercise if they have to be changed again two days later. Many officials and volunteers from the FIM to small clubs in your area are spending many hours trying to get events to fit and to make sure as many happen as is realistically possible.
“As soon as any definite information is available it will be made public, scaremongering and misinformation doesn’t help anyone. We’re in it together.”