Following the ACU announcement earlier this week, the ACU have now set out some guidelines in regards to practice and small events coming back on July 4th. Practice events can commence from June 8th.
When the statement was released there was a lot of questions still needed to be answered as Scotland and Wales currently have different measures in place than England.
Below is further information from the ACU regarding a number of areas however if you are in Wales and Scotland you will be unable to attend an event currently in England under the ACU guidelines.
- No two day events
- No Spectators allowed
- No Sidecar Sport
- No Youth Sport
- No overnight camping. (Riders will be expected to arrive early on the morning of the event or practice)
- Adult riders must be 16 years of age or over (Practice & Competition)
- Reduced rider numbers for practice and small events
- On site = Rider + 1 additional person
- No National Events or British Championships to be run in this phase
We will be bringing you more as soon as we have it.