More positive news from the UK with the Scottish Auto Cycle Union have provided an update on allowing riders to get riding so thats why from July 13th all disciplines will be allowed to conduct practice events only with limited numbers.
Read the official statement from the SACU below.
Listen to The Live Motocross Podcast here
The Directors of the SACU hope that you and your families are well.
The First Minister issued more direction to Scotland by announcing Phase 3 and the easing of restrictions in Scotland. We may travel more than 5 miles for leisure activities. However we must try to stay within our local area and the 2 meter social distance rule will remain in place.
The Board of Directors held a virtual meeting on Friday 3rd July to plan what is safe and within the Government guidelines for our members whilst taking part in motorcycle activities. The SACU office opened on Monday the 6th July and will only be open for the following hours:
• Monday 0900- 1630
• Wednesday 0900 – 1630
• Friday 0900 – 1330
The office will remain closed to the public for the safety of the staff and this must be adhered to.
SACU licenses will now be issued to those who require them.
Permits for events will be issued under Government Guidelines as below.
The discipline Chairman’s and the Board have been working hard to put the necessary procedures in place with Risk Assessments and Operating Procedures to allow us to return to our sport in a safe and controlled manner. These will be issued to clubs to aid them to return under the SACU and Government Guidelines.
From the 13th July ALL disciplines will be able to conduct practice in limited numbers (This will be dictated by the size of the venue)
• Trials – Will be able to conduct Practice and Closed to Club events.
• MX – Practice only.
• Enduro – Practice Only.
• H&H – Practice Only.
• Road Race – Practice Only.
The SACU will issue a set of Operating Procedures and a Risk Assessment for each discipline and the type of event they will run. These must be followed and in place before a permit will be issued. Clubs must ensure that they gain permission from the Land owners, Local Police and Local Authority to meet with the guidelines issued by the SACU Insurance Company.
Not all disciplines will be able to return to competition straight away due to the numbers involved in their events, however, as we move forward and restriction are eased, we will assess the Government Guidelines and issue more guidance to those disciplines for the return to competition..
The Board has made the decision that SACU licenses will be extended and more details will follow shortly.
For 2020 the following SACU Championships have been cancelled, Trials, Road Racing and Enduro. We hope that we may still be able to hold a Motocross, Quad and Hare & Hound Championships later in the year government guidelines allowing.
From the Board of Directors please stay safe and act responsibly .