Bas Vaessen had a big off at Culham yesterday (Sunday 2nd May) for the opening round of the Revo ACU British Motocross Championship Fuelled by Gulf Race Fuels.
Check out the latest on his condition below. From all the team at Live Motocross we would like to send our wishes to Bas and his family.
For now he is in the Adult intensive care unit in Oxford. They are taking very good care of him.
He broke his vertebrae T8 to T11, for now this is not the issue and it doesn’t need surgery.
Unfortunately he hit his neck again, no new fractions but a lots of swelling. For now it is uncertain what’s the outcome will be in the future.
We wanna thank you for al the sweet massages your sending! I’m going to read the messages to him but he can’t answer them right now because he can’t move properly. We’ll stay positive and keep you updated.