Recently we published some news that Wroxton MX Track is under threat of closure due to the locals. The track was been there for many of years and even I can remember going to the track with family when I was a kid when it was run by Ian and June Street of the Vale of the White Horse club!
Now the track needs our support!
Before January 14th if you could send with the following information:
- Why you support the venue to stay open
- When you rode it or visited
- Any Pictures and memories

Lead Image Photo Credit – Roy Edwards
One of the best tracks in the country. Would hate to see this close
Amazing track run superbly family have been riding track for many years,
Why try to close a sport that gives so much pleasure to so many people.
It needs to stay open as there are less and less tracks and places for kid to go ride there bike and have a fun and wroxton is a brilliant venue for all ages
Brilliant family memories here.
One of the best tracks in the uk
Very well run track my grandson loves to ride their it will be sadly missing by a lot of people. I have been going there for years.
Lovely track grandson loves race there let’s hope it stays there so sad to hear this fingers crossed
one of the beast tracks in england and one of the best run
Would be a shame for it to shut as it’s been there so long . Trouble is I think it’s over used now and the locals don’t get much of a break. it never was a problem only being used a few times a year . I’ve race there for years back in the day . The Next thing you know there will be hard standing areas there to blot the landscape. You need to compromise with the locals to keep them on Side even invite them along with there family to watch .
Great track always proffionally run sick and tired of green belt being nicked for houses soon we will just be a concrete island great
Raced that track for 15 years .. great memories , very safe and always well prepped, keeps the kids off the streets don’t take away there favourite tracks.
Great track,not harming anybody there.
One of the best tracks in the country I hope we can keep using it as tracks as good as this one are few and far between, Tracks keep disappearing and I’m fed up with it. Motocross is a fantastic sport with great people we need to keep this great venue I hope it can be resolved..