Some positive news has been received that the a select number of top MXGP, MX2 and WMX riders in the Netherlands can now get back to training on their bikes.
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KNMV have now revealed that the top Dutch Motocross riders can start to ride again. The riders must abide by protocol specially drawn up for them.
The riders are only allowed to train on established circuits, so not where they want. The locations are shared with them.
The permission of NOC * NSF is limited to the names below. We know that many Dutch motorsport riders are missing from this list. But at the moment, nothing more is possible than what NOC * NSF approves.
Jeffrey Herlings – MXGP
Glenn Coldenhoff – MXGP
Calvin Vlaanderen – MXGP
Brian Bogers – MXGP
Bas Vaessen – MX2
Roan van de Moosdijk – MX2
Nancy van de Ven – Woman MX
Shana van der Vlist – Woman MX
Lynn Valk – Woman MX