2 DOWN, ALL SUMMER TO GO .. #TGO: A brief delay in getting the report out this week,  waiting for more news on Phil’s injury. He hurt his knee in the second moto at Hangtown and will be out  for at least a few weeks. There is no projection on his return until we can see how everything heals in the  coming days and weeks. Words: Mike Bonacci of ClubMX

PHIL NICOLETTI #36: If you would have said Phil would run up front in second place in half of the 450  motos this season, you would have been considered crazy. But that is what he has done. It is an  accomplishment many people did not foresee apart from the team. Phil stays late on many of the training  days dialling in his motorcycle for starts and race conditions. Yes, it is his final season, but he is not built to just mail it in. He puts everything he has into performing well, and the proof is in the results.  Unfortunately, fate took over and he took a hard hit early in the second moto and did some damage to  his knee. Now it is just a waiting game to see what the future holds. With Phil’s luck, he will come back  and score just enough points to make it into the SMX LCQ program. I hope everyone is ready for that. 

MARK FINEIS #705: The excitement of racing at the professional level has little effect on Mark. He is a  cool, calm customer when it comes to racing. He has a great outlook, easy demeanor and is not remotely  star struck by anyone he races against. It is the perfect attitude to have in the 250 class and thus, he has  been able to perform very well. The box scores may not show it – but there are highlights. Moto one at  Hangtown had him running in the top fifteen but then had a little issue. He came out firing in moto two  and made his way up to thirteenth. Impressive for any rookie. The elevation at Denver will also play in his  favor, his fitness is on point. Mark is one to keep an eye on the balance of the season because his  performance will only continue to improve.  

COTY SCHOCK #69: Coty ran in the top ten for most of moto one at Hangtown, simply meaning things are  improving. He is an extremely hard worker, and that effort will continue to parlay into better results. Like  Mark, the box scores may not show it yet, but the results are coming. Training this week was intense,  knowing that he should be the alpha dog on the 250 team. The heat is not only ramped up outdoors, but  it has also increased within the team as to who will be the leader. Going into Denver, things will start to  shake out in the pecking order – but we just do not know where. 

JETT REYNOLDS #99: Race one at Pala was “just get to the finish line”. Race two was to improve on that  and Jett was clearly on his way. A small tip-over caused the bike to stall in moto one and he could not get  it fired up right away and lost a considerable amount of time. If you go back and watch moto one – Jett  rounds the corner in fifth place. These are the types of things we are starting to expect from the crafty 

rookie. As he (re)builds his confidence, his results will continue to improve. After round one Jett had a  sense of relief. After round two he was just pissed. That is a good sign of what is to come. It may sound  like a broken record with the 250 guys but do not underestimate them as the season rolls on.  

GARRETT MARCHBANKS #26: Garrett is getting all of his stitches out today and will return to light riding  on Monday. More information is to come next week as we see his progress. 

The video series is really good this summer. Please check it out and share it. 

Thank you to everyone that supports our team with all forms of media. It has been a true pleasure to grow and succeed in the sport. 

Image: ClubMX / Ripper Media

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